to anyone thats…

Shay sabran
2 min readJan 9, 2021

we are arrive into something called life, we dread our existence and if there was a kill switch, we wouldnt be so hesitant and press it at any given moment! to end what was given to us, it ends everything. The pressure is unbearable and we often wonder, what even is the purpose! what will i get out of this? questions fill up your mind and depression becomes a very close friend… gets very dark in the tunnel and the light at the end of it is uncertain…loneliness creeps in. somehow you try to adapt and keep your eyes on that light… The question of the meaning of life is perhaps one that we would rather not ask, for fear of the answer or lack thereof.

Still today, many people believe that we, humankind, are the creation of a supernatural entity called God, that God had an intelligent purpose in creating us, and that this intelligent purpose is "the meaning of life".

I do not propose to rehearse the well-worn arguments for and against the existence of God, and still less to take a side. But even if God exists, and even if He had an intelligent purpose in creating us, no one really knows what this purpose might be, or that it is especially meaningful.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of a closed system—including the universe itself—increases up to the point at which equilibrium is reached, and God’s purpose in creating us, and, indeed, all of nature, might have been no more lofty than to catalyse this process much as soil organisms catalyse the decomposition of organic matter.

If our God-given purpose is to act as super-efficient heat dissipators, then having no purpose at all is better than having this sort of purpose—because it frees us to be the authors of our purpose or purposes and so to lead truly dignified and meaningful lives.

In fact, following this logic, having no purpose at all is better than having any kind of pre-determined purpose, even more traditional, uplifting ones such as serving God or improving our karma.

In short, even if God exists, and even if He had an intelligent purpose in creating us (and why should He have had?), we do not know what this purpose might be, and, whatever it might be, we would rather be able to do without it, or at least to ignore or discount it. For unless we can be free to become the authors of our own purpose or purposes, our lives may have, at worst, no purpose at all, and, at best, only some unfathomable and potentially trivial purpose that is not of our own choosing.

keep going. i guess it will be worth it. i feel you. love!



Shay sabran

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. I'm in some form of energy somewhere in this universe. Life after earth.